The Eden Project, UK

  • Rakennuksen tyyppi:
  • Koulutus ja kulttuuri
  • Muut julkiset rakennukset
Kartta koko ruudulle Sulje

The Eden Project, situated in Cornwall, England, stands out as not only one of the largest botanical gardens worldwide but also as a renowned backdrop for a James Bond film, captivating audiences worldwide.

This impressive greenhouse complex is celebrated for its commitment to sustainable practices, actively promoting and educating visitors on the responsible utilization of natural resources.

Central to the project's sustainable ethos is the incorporation of wood as a building material. To ensure the structural integrity of the timber framework, an environmentally conscious choice was made in the form of the BESISTA® compression strut system. This innovative system, which promotes resource efficiency, effectively stabilizes and connects the timber components. Notably, the galvanized compression strut systems are further enhanced through a hot-dip galvanization process, highlighting the unique advantage offered by BESISTA®.

By exclusively delivering the BESISTA® compression strut systems directly to England, without unnecessary detours, we were able to guarantee a swift and cost-effective delivery process. Moreover, this direct interaction with the seasoned professionals at BESISTA® serves as an additional benefit, as it facilitates seamless communication and support between the manufacturer and the project stakeholders.

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Hankkeen tiedot

Eden Project, Cornwall
Anthony Hunt, GB-Gloucestershire
Grimshaw, GB-London

Toimittamamme ratkaisut

Ota yhteyttä

Štefan Gavura

Štefan Gavura

Product Manager

Reinforcement Systems

Mobiili +421 911 250 080
[email protected]